Some North Moravian companies and startups are achieving admirable global success. They are even "picking up awards in international competitions", as the prestigious Forbes magazine praised them in June 2022, and Forbes also included H2 Global Group among the top 10 startups (we wrote here). What do these extremely successful companies from North Moravia have in common? Apart from their unique products, services and visions, it is the fact that they cooperate intensively with MSIC - Moravian-Silesian Innovation Center ( And it is MSIC that celebrated its round 5th birthday on 15 September 2022 in the form of a big MSIC Birthday Festival. And representatives of H2 Global Group could not miss it, of course.

The MSIC Birthday Festival took place in several places in Ostrava. For 12 hours, it offered hundreds of visitors from the ranks of entrepreneurs, scientists, students and the general public dozens of program items, in other words, a good "portion of inspiration for business". This was done on 5 stands and 6 meetpoints.

MSIC also reviewed the past 5 successful years during this festive event. H2 TIMES quotes briefly from this evaluation. We have provided 10,000+ hours of consultation, facilitated 54 new collaborations and initiated 202 connections. Our network of experts that companies can draw on for services has grown to 125 people. That's not all. We have recently launched new services (cybersecurity audit, business ambulance), events (Business Grill) and many projects (CEE Startup Network and Startup Voucher, Digital Innovation Hub, SMARAGD or Rondl)."

H2 Global Group's presentation at the celebrations was one of the best. H2 Global Group's presentation stand was one of the most visited. Pavel Csank, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MSIC, awarded a personal commendation to this stand and the entire H2 Global Group company. At the booth, he met not only David Maršálek, President of H2 Global Group, but also Aleš Valenta, Marketing Director of H2 Global Group and Olympic champion from Salt Lake City. Visitors to the H2 Global Group booth were also able to try the H2 Immunity DRINK, as well as Molecular Hydrogen® inhalation and a brand new product - the application of Molecular Hydrogen in the eyes.

At this birthday party, H2 Global Group also announced the release of its third bond issue, this time for 4 years with a 12% annual yield (more at  


Text and pictures: H2 TIMES